
Showing posts from August, 2015

DirectX 12 FAQ

Windows 10 is here! I wanted to document all issues that I encounter when trying to develop with DirectX12. Q: What do I need to try out DirectX 12? A: Windows 10, Windows 10 SDK (DirectX 12 is part of SDK), Graphics Driver that supports WDDM 2.0. Q: Where do I download DirectX 12 SDK? A: DirectX 12 SDK is part of Windows 10 SDK, so you should download that instead ( Link ). Q: I installed Windows 10, however DirectX Diagnostic Tool doesn't show I have DirectX version 12? A: DxDiag shows the feature level supported instead of the DirectX version. You can still develop with DirectX 12 API, however, your feature level is limited to that. Q: I installed Windows 10, DirectX 12 and latest graphics driver, however, when running the graphics samples, it crashed in D3D12CreateDevice A: Note that DirectX 12 requires graphics driver that support WDDM 2.0. At this time of writing (Aug 9, 2015), not all graphics drivers support all graphics cards with WDDM 2.0. For example, Ra